
Holyrics is a strong and user-friendly lyrics search engine that allows users to quickly and easily find lyrics for their favourite songs. The website has a large variety of lyrics from many artists and genres, making it simple to find the words you’re looking for. It has a minimalistic design that allows users to simply search for lyrics using keywords, artist names, or song titles. Along with this, the website also has a function that allows users to submit lyrics corrections or additions, ensuring that the lyrics database is accurate and up to date. What’s more, it is an excellent resource for music fans who wish to sing along to their favourite songs or learn new lyrics. 

If Holyrics is not working as usual at this time or maybe it’s down permanently then here are some of the best alternatives to Holyrics that you should consider utilizing.

So, find out which alternative is the best fit for you by trying some other [category] like Holyrics through our list of the best Holyrics alternatives so far:



Best Alternatives To Holyrics



OpenLP is a worship presentation program that is free and open-source, and it is intended for churches and religious organisations. The software has a number of capabilities that enable users to design and deliver professional-quality worship services presentations, such as lyrics, Bible verses, photos, and...

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EpicWorship is worship presentation software built for churches and other religious groups. The software includes a number of capabilities, such as the display of song lyrics, Biblical verses, and video playback, making it an ideal solution for modern worship services. Its adjustable templates enable users...

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VideoPsalm is a powerful and versatile worship presentation software designed to enhance religious gatherings and worship services. VideoPsalm provides a seamless and efficient platform for displaying lyrics, scriptures, and multimedia content during worship sessions. The software supports a wide range of media formats, allowing users...

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Quelea is open-source church presentation software that allows users to create and display multimedia presentations during worship services. Quelea gives churches a strong and adaptable tool for presenting spectacular presentations and engaging their congregation. It supports a variety of multimedia file formats, such as photos,...

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EasyWorship is the most famous church administration software, assisting pastors in crafting compelling and media-rich presentations for their events. It has a complete collection of tools such as fonts, themes, and presentation slides, among other things. There is also a collection of tools and features...

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FreeWorship is a sophisticated worship presentation software that allows users to build and manage multimedia presentations for church services, events, and other special occasions. It includes a variety of features like song lyrics, Biblical verses, video and audio playback, and slide transitions, making it an...

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FCorp Lyric Library

FCorp Lyric Library is a comprehensive and user-friendly tool for searching and storing song lyrics. It comes with an enormous database of lyrics and a simple interface that provides users with a helpful resource for finding and organising lyrics to their favourite songs. This is...

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